Dream to Reality (A Walk in Progress!)
How many of us have heard these two old sayings, "Put your money where your mouth is" and "Walk the Talk"? Every time I hear those two phrases, I am reminded of the intentionality it takes on my part in making my dreams a reality. I was recently encouraged to ensure that in the year of 2018, my focus will be on bringing my plans and goals into fruition. Sometimes, we get very excited about our dreams (as we should), We have a vision and see the vision ahead of the dream coming to pass. We even tell our story and begin our journey, but there seems to be an element of "beginning the dream walk" and then allowing the momentum to gradually fizzle away.
In 2016, I wrote an article called "Intentionality". I will post that article again on the Transformational Moment Blog in the near future. It was then back in 2016, that I truly realized that it takes intentionality to map- out every move I will make in the journey to making my dreams a reality. To be intentional means to do something with intent and on purpose. That means getting the dream out of our heads and putting it into action. Make this year, 2018 , a year of intentionality in the journey of manifesting your dreams. Let's keep up the momentum by "waling the talk".
In my book, "Be Transformed: Empowering You For Destiny" I talk about the importance of reviewing your gifts, talents, skills, abilities, and goals, What dreams will you want to begin working on this year? I encourage you to get your copy of my motivational and inspirational book Be empowered today to move forward into your destiny by getting in position to take your first step or continue taking your steps. You can always begin where you are.
I am reminded of a profound famous quote that always seem to push me forward: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step". Remember, steps add up and in no time you will be at your destination. It is a walk in progress. Give yourself a high-five for beginning the journey. Let's go! We are on our way to making our dreams a reality! ~Be Transformed!