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By Author & Speaker,

Carmela E. Head

One of the most profound motivational words [to me] that I enjoy using is the word UNCOMMON. Oftentimes, when we hear the word uncommon we think, perhaps, the meaning of it is being somewhat abnormal. But, what I would like to offer is the alternate meaning of the word UNCOMMON as being extraordinary, remarkable, and noteworthy. In my book, Be Transformed: Empowering You For Destiny, I speak very highly of this word, uncommon and how it applies to our uniqueness. For the sake of this article today, I want to speak highly of the uncommon places that we sow our precious seed of personal development. our goals and our dreams. The other day, I stepped outside of my front door only to be welcomed by a brightly bloomed purple annual. It was absolutely beautiful! I found it very odd that only one bloomed flower was sitting there on the vine; nevertheless, I could not help but to stare at it in amazement. I stood right there for a moment just to take it all in. Here is it in the middle of October and all of June, July, August and September and no sign of blooming had occurred. However, right in the middle of that early October morning, the flower had bloomed to perfection. Standing there smiling and feeling totally exuberant by this sight to see, I took a picture of it. I did not want to miss this moment. This paramount moment was monumental as I began pondering about the times and season of harvest and manifesting greatness. I can remember the day the tiny seeds in the packets were planted in the flower pots. Through-out the summer months, they were exposed to the appropriate sunlight, received fresh air, rain water, hidden from harsh elements, not to mention, I personally watered them as well. They were in the right place in the right position. The leaves on these annuals sprouted quickly and grew immensely through-out the summer. months into the fall months. Even in the sprouting, I enjoyed watching them grow and the vines beautifying the porch. Little did I remember that the annuals should have produced some flowers by now. I had forgotten all about it. What this has shown me is that those seeds that were planted, actually were in an extraordinary place; a place where it was nurtured, a place where it was cultivated, and a place where it was positioned for growth: It was an UNCOMMON place. Although the entire vine had not yet produced all of the annuals, the manifestation of a fully blossomed flower had appeared. It reminded me to WAIT FOR IT! It encouraged me to continue in anticipation of the fruition of my various goals, plans and vision to crystallize.

Sometimes we think or perhaps even believe that the sowing of our seeds of greatness are not coming into fruition. But I tell you, this example reveals truth that we must cultivate what we are purposing in growing. Whether it is in our personal development, self-improvement, our goals or even our dreams, we can plant our seeds in UNCOMMON places; those extraordinary places, where we can ultimately see manifestation over time. It is at the very moment when we least expect it, the blossoming our dreams will appear when we have applied and position ourselves in the places in which we can cultivate our dreams:

A new course, webinar, or class here and there, the learning of a new application or principle, advancing in new skills and sharpening our abilities, applying strategies to our goals all positions us to grow. and in due time we may see the the fraction or even the full appearance of the fruit of our labor. So, just as that flower blossomed over time in the most unpredictable time, it was preparing for it's appearance in UNCOMMON places.; the extraordinary places. May this be an empowerment to you today to anticipate manifestation. Keep sowing your amazing seeds in the UNCOMMON, remarkable, noteworthy, and extraordinary places..... and then "WAIT FOR IT!" Be Transformed! DO YOU HAVE MY BOOK? PLACE "BE TRANSFORMED EMPOWERING YOU FOR DESTINY' IN YOUR BOOK COLLETION OR ON YOUR BOOOKSHELF. ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY! CLICK THE PICTURE BELOW TO ORDER.

Copyright 2022 Carmela E. Head


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