Clear Visibility

Today, I was thinking about something that always makes me raise my eyebrow and say....., "Hummm?" It always amazes me about the fact of how my car SEEMS to drive smoothly when I have just taken it to the car wash and have commenced a sound vacuuming! How about you? Have you ever encountered this? I am laughing as I write this because it never ceases to amaze me that after all these years I still feel this way. It's almost like the feeling you get once you have vacuumed your entire home. It's like you have walked in to a brand new house after all of those years.. This is all too funny!
Today, as I a sat at the table, with pen ready to write, my journal open, notebooks, calendars, agendas, sticky notes, note cards, boxes, books and my laptop surrounding me, I noticed that there seemed to be an accumulation of "stuff" here and there and I had come the conclusion that a little "house keeping" in the room is in order.
As I perused through everything, I was reminded that taking the time to reflect, brainstorm, prioritize, and clearing the "stuff" was making a difference in my perception on approaching my day in goal-setting and in moving forward. It's like a painter with a brand new set of paint, new paintbrushes, and a new canvas, not only am was I able to visibly see everything clearly, I had more clarity on where and how to begin. Because I have cleared the residue of "stuff" I am able to focus more definitively. Having clear visibility is everything. Suddenly, I feel lighter!