Applauding Your Milestones!
There's nothing like sitting at a sporting event and hearing the crowd cheer when their team gains a winning advance against the opponent! The team gains a boost of motivation, enthusiasm and encouragement listening to all of the accolades coming from the fans in the stands for every milestone they achieve, All of the cheering, hurrah and applauding makes for a great day at the game! When you step out of the arena or the stadium, a sense of excitement fills the air.
With each advancement in our own personal journeys to attaining our goals, whatever that may be, we gain more of a motivational boost when we are cheered along and our milestones are acknowledged. But sometimes, we wait to celebrate our accomplishments or overlook them altogether because we do not deem them to be important. But oh, the contrary, our milestones are important. Milestones, whether, it may be attaining a goal or making a successful move in business, applauding our efforts is empowering, validates our commitment to perseverance, and pushes us to go the distance in our next level in advancement.
Smile and give yourself a high-five and a pat on the back today for achieving each of your milestones. In my personal journey, I have come to learn that each step is making a difference and I had to take the time to stop and applaud myself for attaining each milestone. I had to remind myself that my milestones matter. Each time I do this, I have gained a boost of motivation and enthusiasm, Thus, I have gained a new appreciation for my efforts!
Be Transformed,
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